GP in Ennis

9 out of 43 family practice in Clare County are based in Ennis. We have gathered the contact information for gs' offices that offer a range of medical services and treatments under the HSE GPs Service Scheme.

GP practices list in Ennis

name address
Dr. Anthony Cox (GMS) Dr. Denise Crowley (GMS) Fergus Medical Centre, 2 St. Anthony's Terrace, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. Eoin Curtin (GMS) Dr. Edel Twomey (GMS) Dr. Finbarr Fitzpatrick (GMS) 6 Westgate Business Park, Kilrush Road, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. Eugene Casey (GMS) 4 Daly's Villas, Carmody Street, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. John Boyle (GMS) Dr. Conor Hanrahan (GMS) Dr. Conor E Hanrahan Parnell Medical Centre, Parnell Street, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. John McCarthy (GMS) Ardlea Medical Practice, 79 O'Connell Street, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. Maire Finn (GMS) Dr. John O'Donnell (GMS) Dr Seamus Geraghty Ennis Family Medical Centre, Gort Road, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. Patrick Fitzgerald Bugler (GMS) Ard na Gréine, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. Rory O'Keeffe (GMS) 44 Abbey Street, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dr. Sean Smyth Dr. Conor Fanning (GMS) Francis Street Medical Centre, 11 Francis Street, Ennis, Co. Clare

