Dr. Declan Whelan
Dr. Declan Whelan can be found at Galen House, 68 Monkstown Road, Monkstown, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. The general practice's phone number is 01-2809255. Among the HSE contracted general practices in the area, there are 43 within the radius of 5 km, 115 within 10 km and 407 within 30 km.
Registered address: Galen House, 68 Monkstown Road, Monkstown, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
County: Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
Town: Dún Laoghaire
Suburb: Dunleary
Road: Monkstown Road
Latitude: 53°17' 38.59" N
Longitude: -6°9' 18.59" W
Phone: 01-2809255
Fax: 01-7031338
Source: hse.ie