Evelyn Bradley Limited

Evelyn Bradley Limited can be found at 48 St. Brigid's Road, Artane, Dublin 5. The pharmacy phone number is 01 8311667. The Last known website address is http://public.thePSI.ie/?target=publicpharmacies&Mode=view&PublicPharmaciesId=16. Among the HSE contracted pharmacies in the area, there are 73 within the radius of 5 km, 367 within 15 km and 508 within 30 km.

Location and contact details

Registered address: 48 St. Brigid's Road, Artane, Dublin 5 County: Dublin City: Dublin 5 Suburb: Artane Road: Danieli Drive
Latitude: 53°22' 54.82" N Longitude: -6°12' 19.26" W
Phone: 01 8311667 Website:


Source: hse.ie
