S N Mhuire

Address: Lisin Na Coille Uran Mor, Co Na Gaillimhe County: Galway
Province: Connacht Phone: 091844901 Email: [email protected]
Rollnumber: 17771W Enrolment Boys: 132 Ethos: Catholic Enrolment Girls: 85 Gender: All Mixed Enrolment Total: 217 Lang: English
Latitude: 53°17' 31.42" N Longitude: -8°50' 40.55" W
S N Mhuire is the Primary School in the region of Galway. It's the one thousand and four hundred and sixty first School in the county area and available sources show on seventy third position in the county ranked by amount of students. Nowadays there are two hundred and seventeen students in eight classes, there are more boys in this institution. Compared to the last six years, nowadays there are the most pupils studying here. Last school year this schoolhouse had eight teachers, one part time teacher plus four other teachers with sixteen students for a single teacher. Compared to the last six years, nowadays the number of teachers hasn't changed significantly. There are seven normal classes and one big class in this school. It's an all age mixed education facility that teaches in the English language. Prefered way to contact them is by their telephone number 091844901 and by their email [email protected]. Lately this place was administrated by Aine Bn Ui Chiardha. More statistics can be found by searching using this education facility Roll number: 17771W . There are many other similar education facilities in the neighborhoods for instance: S N Na Fuar Coilleadh - distance 5km, S N Naomh Padraig - distance 5.8km and Carnain N.s. - distance 6.5km.


S N Mhuire Class size


S N Mhuire Class size

Year Classes No. Average size
2006 7 23
2007 8 23
2008 7 28
2009 7 30
2010 8 27
2011 8 27

S N Mhuire Enrolment


S N Mhuire Enrolment

Year Girls Boys Total
1975 0 0 56
1976 28 31 59
1977 34 32 66
1978 0 0 68
1979 41 37 78
1980 43 42 85
1981 46 46 92
1982 46 48 94
1983 46 46 92
1993 51 36 87
1994 51 41 92
1995 51 47 98
1996 40 58 98
1997 33 57 90
1998 21 43 64
1999 24 43 67
2000 34 52 86
2001 41 60 101
2002 40 64 104
2003 46 73 119
2004 46 72 118
2005 57 73 130
2006 69 94 163
2007 79 102 181
2008 82 112 194
2009 83 127 210
2010 90 123 213
2011 85 132 217

S N Mhuire No. Classes by size


S N Mhuire No. Classes by size

Year 0-9 10-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 over 40
2006 0 0 5 2 0 0 0
2007 0 3 1 4 0 0 0
2008 0 0 2 2 3 0 0
2009 0 0 0 2 5 0 0
2010 0 0 3 4 1 0 0
2011 0 0 3 2 2 1 0

S N Mhuire number of teachers


S N Mhuire number of teachers

Year Full time teachers Full time other teachers Part time teachers Teaching principal Number of students Students for one teacher
2006 7 2 0 163 18
2007 8 2 1 181 16
2008 7 3 1 194 18
2009 7 4 2 1 210 15
2010 8 7 5 1 213 10
2011 8 4 1 1 217 16

image author: www.sxc.hu
