S N Muire Na Trocaire

Address: Ardee Co Louth County: Louth
Province: Leinster Phone: 0416853152 Email: [email protected]
Rollnumber: 18099V Ethos: Catholic Enrolment Girls: 250 Gender: All Girls Enrolment Total: 250 Lang: English
Latitude: 53°51' 10.46" N Longitude: -6°32' 1.6" W
S N Muire Na Trocaire is the Primary Public School in the region of Louth. It is the six hundred and ninth School in the region and the following school is on three thousand and one hundred and thirty eighth place in the area positioned according to classes count. According to the latest data, attending the classes are two hundred and fifty pupils in ten classes, only girls are allowed in this facility. Compared to the average of the last six school years, this year they have the most active classes. Last school year this facility had ten teachers plus two other teachers and an average of nineteen pupils for a teacher. Compared to the last six school years, according to the latest data the number of teachers hasn't changed significantly. There are four small classes, six normal classes in this school. It's an all age girls school teaching in the English language. Easiest way to contact them is by their telephone: 0416853152 and by their email box [email protected]. Last year this schoolhouse was ruled by Deirdre Sweeney. Current statistics can be found searching by this schoolhouse Roll number: 18099V . There are multiple similar education facilities in the local area for instance: Ardee Monastery - distance 0.3km, Baile An Phusta N S - distance 4km and S N Chaoimhin Naofa - distance 6.4km.


S N Muire Na Trocaire Class size


S N Muire Na Trocaire Class size

Year Classes No. Average size
2006 10 27
2007 10 26
2008 10 26
2009 9 30
2010 10 26
2011 10 25

S N Muire Na Trocaire Enrolment


S N Muire Na Trocaire Enrolment

Year Girls Boys Total
1974 420 0 420
1975 0 0 416
1976 404 0 404
1977 416 0 416
1978 405 0 405
1979 404 0 404
1980 394 0 394
1981 387 0 387
1982 404 0 404
1983 373 0 373
1993 314 0 314
1994 322 0 322
1995 310 0 310
1996 303 0 303
1997 291 0 291
1998 266 0 266
1999 272 0 272
2000 267 0 267
2001 267 0 267
2002 267 0 267
2003 244 0 244
2004 276 0 276
2005 272 0 272
2006 265 0 265
2007 263 0 263
2008 260 0 260
2009 269 0 269
2010 260 0 260
2011 250 0 250

S N Muire Na Trocaire No. Classes by size


S N Muire Na Trocaire No. Classes by size

Year 0-9 10-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 over 40
2006 0 1 3 2 4 0 0
2007 0 0 4 2 4 0 0
2008 0 0 6 1 3 0 0
2009 0 0 2 2 2 3 0
2010 0 2 2 2 4 0 0
2011 0 4 1 1 4 0 0

S N Muire Na Trocaire number of teachers


S N Muire Na Trocaire number of teachers

Year Full time teachers Full time other teachers Part time teachers Teaching principal Number of students Students for one teacher
2006 10 2 1 265 20
2007 10 2 1 263 20
2008 10 2 1 260 20
2009 9 2 0 1 269 22
2010 10 2 1 1 260 19
2011 10 2 0 1 250 19

image author: www.sxc.hu
