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Doctor Catherine Rose Donegan Dublin
County: Dublin
Registration Number: 357755
Registration Type: Trainee Specialist Registration
First Name: Catherine Rose
Surname: Donegan
Title: Dr.
Gender: Female
Post title: SHO
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BCh U Dubl
University: University of Dublin
Date of conferral: 19th of June 2009
Description: Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BCh U Dubl
University: University of Dublin
Date of conferral: 19th of June 2009
Description: Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery
Hospital - St James' Hospital:
Speciality: Internal Medicine Doctor
Division: General (Internal) Medicine
Start date: 8th of April 2013
End date: 7th of July 2013
Dr. Catherine Rose Donegan - enrolled with Trainee Specialist Registration kept by Medical Council under reference id 357755. She is one of one thousand and three hundred and fifteen doctors of medicine registered in the area of Dublin county. Delivering medical care at St James' Hospital as Internal Medicine Doctor starting April 2013. There are one hundred and twenty one other medical practitioners serving medical care in this medical facility as well as eight more in Department of Internal Medicine Doctor. Some other doctors from the medical facility: Dr. Amy Geraldine Donnelly - Anaesthetist, Dr. Owen O'Sullivan - Anaesthetist, Dr. Benvon Mary Moran - Dermatologist, Dr. Fiona Emma O'Toole - Obstetrician and Gynecologist and Dr. Naeem Ullah - Gastroenterologist. Dr. Catherine Rose Donegan obtained her title of Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery from University of Dublin with four hundred and eighty second medical practitioners finished in 2009.