Doctor Mohammad Imtiaz Ali Cavan
County: Cavan
Registration Number: 19849
Registration Date: 2002-03-11
Registration Type: General Registration
First Name: Mohammad Imtiaz
Surname: Ali
Title: Dr.
Gender: Male
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BS Peshawar Pakistan
University: University of Peshawar
Date of conferral: 4th of August 1987
Description: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Additional Qualification:
Abbreviation: FRCSI
University: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Date of conferral: 4th of December 2000
Description: Fellow
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BS Peshawar Pakistan
University: University of Peshawar
Date of conferral: 4th of August 1987
Description: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Additional Qualification:
Abbreviation: FRCSI
University: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Date of conferral: 4th of December 2000
Description: Fellow
Dr. Mohammad Imtiaz Ali is registered with General Registration maintained by Medical Council of Ireland with no. 19849. He is one of one hundred and fifty physicians delivering medical care within the area of Cavan county. Dr. Mohammad Imtiaz Ali gained his title of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in University of Peshawar with five hundred and sixty third physicians graduated in 1987.