Doctor Nemer Mohamed Al Hassan Mohamed Osman Dublin
Medical Oncologist in Dublin
County: Dublin
Registration Number: 82002
Registration Date: 2005-03-31
Registration Type: Specialist Registration
First Name: Nemer Mohamed Al Hassan Mohamed
Surname: Osman
Title: Dr.
Gender: Male
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MD Vozoshilovgrad Medical Institute
University: Unknown
Date of conferral: 30th of June 1994
Description: Medical Doctor
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MD Vozoshilovgrad Medical Institute
University: Unknown
Date of conferral: 30th of June 1994
Description: Medical Doctor
Division - Medicine:
Speciality: Medical Oncologist
Subdivision: Medical Oncology
From date: 20th of January 2011
Dr. Nemer Mohamed Al Hassan Mohamed Osman - enrolled in Specialist Registration of Medical Council of Ireland under reference id 82002. He is one of one thousand and three hundred and fifteen physicians serving in the area of Dublin county. Dr. Nemer Mohamed Al Hassan Mohamed Osman earned his qualifications of Medical Doctor from Unknown with five hundred and eighty eighth doctors graduated in 1994. Doctor Osman also underwent training programme for specialists of Medical Oncologist two years ago.