Doctor Olusegun Akinsuli Wicklow
County: Wicklow
Registration Number: 119215
Registration Date: 2005-09-08
Registration Type: General Registration
First Name: Olusegun
Surname: Akinsuli
Title: Dr.
Gender: Male
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BS Ibadan Nigeria
University: University of Ibadan
Date of conferral: 24th of November 1989
Description: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BS Ibadan Nigeria
University: University of Ibadan
Date of conferral: 24th of November 1989
Description: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr. Olusegun Akinsuli is enrolled in General Registration of Medical Council of Ireland under reference no. 119215. He is one of two hundred and ten doctors working in Wicklow county. Dr. Olusegun Akinsuli earned his title of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from University of Ibadan together with one thousand and fifty fifth doctors finished in 1989.