Doctor Ronan Anthony Murray Offaly
County: Offaly
Registration Number: 125160
Registration Date: 2003-07-01
Registration Type: General Registration
First Name: Ronan Anthony
Surname: Murray
Title: Dr.
Gender: Male
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BCh NUI
University: University College Dublin
Date of conferral: 14th of June 2002
Description: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Primary Qualification:
Abbreviation: MB BCh NUI
University: University College Dublin
Date of conferral: 14th of June 2002
Description: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dr. Ronan Anthony Murray - listed in General Registration maintained by General Medical Register with registration # 125160. He is one of one hundred and fifty eight doctors delivering medical care in Offaly county. Dr. Ronan Anthony Murray gained his title of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in University College Dublin with one thousand and one hundred and seventy third medical practitioners completed education 2002.