Dr. James Colm Moloney (GMS)

Dr. James Colm Moloney (GMS) can be found at 12 Kingston Avenue, Ballinteer Road, Balinteer, Dublin 16. The general practice's phone number is (01) 2981922. Among the HSE contracted general practices in the area, there are 41 within the radius of 5 km, 180 within 10 km and 434 within 30 km.
Registered address: 12 Kingston Avenue, Ballinteer Road, Balinteer, Dublin 16 County: Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown City: Dublin 16 Suburb: Kingstown Road: Kingston Avenue
Latitude: 53°16' 13.08" N Longitude: -6°14' 57.74" W
Phone: (01) 2981922


Source: hse.ie
