Dr. Sean O'Callaghan Dr. Mark O'Sullivan
Dr. Sean O'Callaghan Dr. Mark O'Sullivan can be found at Grange Road Family Practice, Unit 3B Grange Road Retail Park, Grange Road Rathfarnham , Dublin 16. The general practice's phone number is (01) 4957758. The gp's contact email is [email protected]. Among the HSE contracted general practices in the area, there are 50 within the radius of 5 km, 199 within 10 km and 435 within 30 km.
Registered address: Grange Road Family Practice, Unit 3B Grange Road Retail Park, Grange Road Rathfarnham , Dublin 16
County: Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
City: Dublin 16
Suburb: Haroldsgrange
Road: Grange Road
Latitude: 53°16' 38.24" N
Longitude: -6°15' 54.05" W
Source: hse.ie