Liberties College
Address: Bull Alley Street Dublin 8
County: Dublin
Province: Dublin
Phone: 014540044
Email: [email protected]
Rollnumber: 70340T
Enrolment Boys: 272
Ethos: Inter Denominational
Enrolment Girls: 531
Gender: Mixed
Enrolment Total: 803
Lang: No Subjects Taught Through Irish
Latitude: 53°20' 24.91" N
Longitude: -6°16' 14.92" W
Liberties College is a Post-Primary School in the region of Dublin. Our sources indicate it is the one hundred and tenth Public School in the region and it is on fourty second place in its county positioned according to amount of students. Now the school has eight hundred and three pupils, there are more girls in this institution.
It's an mixed education facility with English language. Official data about this education facility can be found on official website Prefered way to contact them is by their phone: 014540044 or by schools email address [email protected]. In year 2011/2012 this institution was managed by Ms Rose O'connor. More stats are available searching by this place Roll number: 70340T . There are multiple similar education facilities in the local area like: Larkin Community College - distance 1.7km, Rathmines College - distance 1.9km and St. Kevins College - distance 2.5km.
Liberties College Enrolment
Liberties College Enrolment
Year | Girls | Boys | Total |
1988 | 146 | 182 | 328 |
1993 | 331 | 208 | 539 |
1999 | 511 | 211 | 722 |
2000 | 532 | 196 | 728 |
2001 | 536 | 172 | 708 |
2002 | 604 | 172 | 776 |
2003 | 572 | 199 | 771 |
2004 | 549 | 215 | 764 |
2005 | 536 | 200 | 736 |
2006 | 600 | 168 | 768 |
2008 | 601 | 254 | 855 |
2009 | 600 | 294 | 894 |
2010 | 622 | 290 | 912 |
2011 | 532 | 271 | 803 |
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