Naomh Oliver Plunkett

Address: Loch Morn Castleblayney, Co Monaghan County: Monaghan
Province: Ulster Phone: 0429745055 Email: [email protected]
Rollnumber: 19469K Enrolment Boys: 104 Ethos: Catholic Enrolment Girls: 76 Gender: All Mixed Enrolment Total: 180 Lang: Irish And English
Latitude: 54°4' 42.83" N Longitude: -6°50' 45.01" W
Naomh Oliver Plunkett is a Primary Public School in the county area of Monaghan. It's the one thousand and one hundred and seventy seventh School in the region and according to official data on three thousand and one hundred and thirty eighth ranking position in the county positioned according to classes count. At the moment, enrolled are one hundred and eighty students in six classes, there are more boys in this institution. Compared to the average of the last six school years, currently they have the most active classes. Last school year this schoolhouse had six teachers plus three other teachers ; having seventeen pupils for a teacher. Compared to the last six years, currently there are the most teachers working here. There is one small class, four normal classes, and one big class in this school. It's an all age mixed education facility that teaches in the Irish and English language. The best way to contact them is by their phone: 0429745055 or by schools email box [email protected]. Lately this schoolhouse was managed by Adrian Kelly. Other reports are available using this schoolhouse Roll number: 19469K . There are other similar education facilities in the local area for example: Edenmore N.s. - distance 30.8km, St Benedicts And St Marys National School - distance 96.3km and St Coleman's National School - distance 121.1km.


Naomh Oliver Plunkett Class size


Naomh Oliver Plunkett Class size

Year Classes No. Average size
2006 6 24
2007 6 25
2008 6 25
2009 6 25
2010 6 27
2011 6 28

Naomh Oliver Plunkett Enrolment


Naomh Oliver Plunkett Enrolment

Year Girls Boys Total
1977 102 112 214
1978 101 120 221
1979 102 134 236
1980 98 127 225
1981 106 134 240
1982 101 135 236
1983 112 136 248
1993 107 124 231
1994 100 125 225
1995 98 117 215
1996 95 120 215
1997 95 125 220
1998 98 118 216
1999 85 112 197
2000 80 104 184
2001 80 93 173
2002 77 85 162
2003 74 74 148
2004 70 69 139
2005 76 72 148
2006 70 76 146
2007 72 78 150
2008 69 84 153
2009 67 85 152
2010 71 97 168
2011 76 104 180

Naomh Oliver Plunkett No. Classes by size


Naomh Oliver Plunkett No. Classes by size

Year 0-9 10-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 over 40
2006 0 0 3 3 0 0 0
2007 0 1 2 1 2 0 0
2008 0 1 2 2 1 0 0
2009 0 1 2 2 1 0 0
2010 0 0 2 4 0 0 0
2011 0 1 1 0 3 1 0

Naomh Oliver Plunkett number of teachers


Naomh Oliver Plunkett number of teachers

Year Full time teachers Full time other teachers Part time teachers Teaching principal Number of students Students for one teacher
2006 6 2 0 146 18
2007 6 2 1 148 16
2008 6 3 1 148 15
2009 6 3 0 1 147 15
2010 6 3 0 1 159 16
2011 6 3 0 1 168 17

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