Rosegreen N S

Address: Cnocan An Teampail Rosegreen, Cashel Co Tipperary County: Tipperary
Province: Munster Phone: 06261938
Rollnumber: 11605V Enrolment Boys: 87 Ethos: Catholic Enrolment Girls: 59 Gender: All Mixed Enrolment Total: 146 Lang: English
Latitude: 52°28' 4.67" N Longitude: -7°49' 53.01" W
Principal: JOHN LALOR
Rosegreen N S is the Primary School in the region of Tipperary. The following school is the one thousand and two hundred and ninety first School in the county and the following school is on three thousand and one hundred and thirty eighth position in its county ranked by class number. Nowadays, attending the classes are one hundred and fourty six students in six classes, there are more boys in this schoolhouse. Compared to the average of the last six years, currently they have the most active classes. Last year this institution had six teachers plus two other teachers and an average of eighteen students for one teacher. Compared to the last six school years, now there are the most teachers teaching in this school. There are six normal classes in this school. It's an all age mixed school teaching in the English language. Easiest way to contact them is by their phone number 06261938. In year 2011/2012 this school was ruled by John Lalor. Current statistics can be found searching by this place Roll number: 11605V . There are many other similar education facilities in the region area for example: Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál - distance 5.1km, New Inn B N S - distance 5.4km and St John The Baptist - distance 6.5km.


Rosegreen N S Class size


Rosegreen N S Class size

Year Classes No. Average size
2006 4 29
2007 5 23
2008 5 25
2009 5 27
2010 5 29
2011 6 24

Rosegreen N S Enrolment


Rosegreen N S Enrolment

Year Girls Boys Total
1974 61 68 129
1976 60 75 135
1982 68 80 148
1983 68 83 151
1993 62 80 142
1994 50 69 119
1995 41 59 100
1996 35 41 76
1997 40 43 83
1998 34 40 74
1999 37 37 74
2000 34 35 69
2001 36 32 68
2002 41 41 82
2003 49 49 98
2004 48 51 99
2005 48 56 104
2006 59 56 115
2007 54 61 115
2008 55 70 125
2009 57 77 134
2010 58 87 145
2011 59 87 146

Rosegreen N S No. Classes by size


Rosegreen N S No. Classes by size

Year 0-9 10-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 over 40
2006 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
2007 0 2 1 1 1 0 0
2008 0 0 2 3 0 0 0
2009 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
2010 0 0 1 1 3 0 0
2011 0 0 4 1 1 0 0

Rosegreen N S number of teachers


Rosegreen N S number of teachers

Year Full time teachers Full time other teachers Part time teachers Teaching principal Number of students Students for one teacher
2006 4 2 0 115 19
2007 5 2 0 115 16
2008 5 2 0 125 18
2009 5 2 0 0 134 19
2010 5 2 0 0 145 21
2011 6 2 0 0 146 18

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