St Vincents Sp School

Address: Lisnagry Co Limerick County: Limerick
Province: Munster Phone: 061501403 Email: [email protected]
Rollnumber: 19200M Enrolment Boys: 54 Ethos: Catholic Enrolment Girls: 25 Gender: All Mixed Enrolment Total: 79 Lang: English
Latitude: 52°40' 6.29" N Longitude: -8°31' 27.33" W
St Vincents Sp School - Primary Public School in the county area of Limerick. This is the two thousand and eight hundred and fifty third School in the region and it is on one hundred and thirty second position in the region arranged by amount of students. Currently, attending the classes are seventy nine pupils, there are mostly boys in this school. It's an all age mixed school teaching in the English language. Easiest way to contact them is by their telephone number 061501403 or by their email [email protected]. In year 2011/2012 this institution was managed by Mrs Ann O Sullivan. Current data are available by searching using this education facility Roll number: 19200M . There are many other similar schools in the neighborhoods for instance: S N Lios Na Groi - distance 1.6km, Scoil Moin A Lin - distance 2.4km and Scoil Athain - distance 3.6km.


St Vincents Sp School Enrolment


St Vincents Sp School Enrolment

Year Girls Boys Total
1993 56 64 120
1994 53 61 114
1995 54 62 116
1996 52 56 108
1997 49 51 100
1998 55 73 128
1999 56 64 120
2000 50 61 111
2001 45 56 101
2002 44 54 98
2003 45 50 95
2004 39 48 87
2005 36 50 86
2006 33 50 83
2007 30 48 78
2008 30 50 80
2009 32 48 80
2010 29 53 82
2011 25 54 79

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