Wicklow Educate Together Ns

Address: Marine House The Murrough, Wicklow, Co Wicklow County: Wicklow
Province: Leinster Phone: 040462786 Email: [email protected]
Rollnumber: 20178G Enrolment Boys: 170 Ethos: Multi Denominational Enrolment Girls: 94 Gender: All Mixed Enrolment Total: 264 Lang: English
Latitude: 52°59' 7.43" N Longitude: -6°2' 39.26" W
Wicklow Educate Together Ns - Primary School in the region of Wicklow. It is the six hundredth School in the region and according to official data on three thousand and one hundred and thirty eighth position in its county arranged by classes count. Nowadays, enrolled are two hundred and sixty four pupils in ten classes, there are more boys in this schoolhouse. Compared to the average of the last six years, according to the latest data they have the most active classes. Last year this schoolhouse had ten teachers, one part time teacher plus four other teachers with sixteen pupils for a teacher. Compared to the last six years, this year there are the most teachers teaching in this school. There is one small class, nine normal classes in this school. It's an all age mixed education facility that teaches in the English language. The best way to contact is by their telephone number 040462786 and by their email [email protected]. In year 2011/2012 this place was ruled by Mary Feerick Byrne. More reports and stats can be found by searching using this school Roll number: 20178G . There are many other similar schoolhouses in the neighborhoods like: Greystones Educate Together National School - distance 18.8km, Bray School Project N S - distance 23.6km and Stepaside Educate Together National School - distance 31.8km.


Wicklow Educate Together Ns Class size


Wicklow Educate Together Ns Class size

Year Classes No. Average size
2006 5 24
2007 6 27
2008 7 26
2009 8 26
2010 9 26
2011 10 26

Wicklow Educate Together Ns Enrolment


Wicklow Educate Together Ns Enrolment

Year Girls Boys Total
2003 8 12 20
2006 58 64 122
2007 68 95 163
2008 72 115 187
2009 77 136 213
2010 87 151 238
2011 94 170 264

Wicklow Educate Together Ns No. Classes by size


Wicklow Educate Together Ns No. Classes by size

Year 0-9 10-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 over 40
2006 0 1 1 3 0 0 0
2007 0 0 2 4 0 0 0
2008 0 0 2 5 0 0 0
2009 0 1 1 5 1 0 0
2010 0 1 2 3 3 0 0
2011 0 1 4 1 4 0 0

Wicklow Educate Together Ns number of teachers


Wicklow Educate Together Ns number of teachers

Year Full time teachers Full time other teachers Part time teachers Teaching principal Number of students Students for one teacher
2006 5 1 0 122 20
2007 6 2 1 162 18
2008 7 2 1 183 18
2009 8 3 1 1 207 16
2010 9 4 1 1 231 15
2011 10 4 1 1 257 16

image author: www.sxc.hu
