Pharmacy in Fingal County

County Fingal County has 75 pharmacies located in Balbriggan, Donabate, Dublin 11 and smaller cities or towns. Majority of them is situated conveniently in proximity to hospitals and GPs' practices. Although medicines are the primary products provided by pharmacies, they do not exhaust the list of the various goods available for sale. Apart from medicines, which are often refundable or sold cheaply, these modern pharmacies offer also a wide range of cosmetics, hygenic products and medical equipment. Best qualified staff, professional pharmacists and technicians serve their clients with advice on the choice, use and best price of their purchases. Discounts and offering of more economic substitutes are not a rarity and the clients can always count on the staff's helpful and kind services. Majority of units are open all week long, some of them 24 hours per day. Apart from providing services for individual clients, the pharmacies' good renown is often confirmed by their cooperation with hospitals, GPs and specialists who fill their supplies there.






Pharmacies list in Fingal County

name address
Brady's Pharmacy Unit 3 Skerries Point Shopping Centre, Kelly's Bay, Skerries, Co. Dublin
Cleary's Pharmacy Unit 1, Strand Centre, Strand Road, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
Donabate Pharmacy Unit 1, Ballalease North, Portrane Road, Donabate, Co. Dublin
Donnelly's Pharmacy Unit 3 Kingsford Cross, Strand Road, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
MacNamara's Pharmacy Boroimhe Shopping Centre, Boroimhe, Swords, Co. Dublin
McCabe's Pharmacy Ridgewood Avenue, Swords, Co. Dublin
McCartan's Pharmacy Unit 4, Carrickhills S.C., Portmarnock, Co. Dublin
McNally Pharmacy Unit 1, Manor Mall Shopping Centre, Brackenstown, Swords, Co. Dublin
Pure Pharmacy Terminal 2, Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin
Rivervalley Pharmacy Unit 1 -Rivervalley S.C., Swords, Co. Dublin

